Create a Pollinator Garden

What you can do? Tips for Creating a Pollinator Friendly Garden Habitat By planting a pollinator-friendly garden you are making a difference for honey bees, bumble bees, other bees and pollinators that bring us 1 in every 3 bites of food. Establishing habitat can be challenging but there are certain things you can do to […]


As urban gardening continues to trend, container gardens are popping up everywhere! Container gardens are perfect small-space solutions. Not only do they provide added appeal to your space, they also give you delicious food right at your fingertips. If you have limited space, or simply just want to add another element to your existing crop, grow these […]

It’s Time To Plant Pansies!

Pansies are the colorful flowers with “faces.” A cool-weather favorite, pansies are great for both spring and fall gardens! Here’s how to plant pansies as well as keep them growing and blooming. Pansies have heart-shaped, overlapping petals and one of the widest ranges of bright, pretty colors and patterns. Good for containers, borders, and as ground cover, […]